Acupuncture and herbs can successfully treat a wide variety of ailments from acute to chronic. Simply stated, acupuncture works by unblocking the Qi (energy) in the meridians (energy flows) thereby creating a more balanced state of being. A poetic analogy is—we are opening up the dams along your body’s rivers so the water can flow more smoothly.
There is an old Chinese saying, “when there are no blockages; there is no pain. When there is no pain; there are no blockages.” This is true of blockages in the mind, body and spirit.
Located in Boulder Creek, at 12704 Highway 9, Dancing Crane Acupuncture offers a low cost, traditional Chinese medical treatment that works in harmony with the bodies natural healing ability. It considers the interplay of the Organs, the Emotions and the Spirit and heals the whole being. Acupuncture has been studied and practiced for over 4,000 years throughout China and Asia. It has been proven to be as effective as any Western medical treatment for a large variety of ailments and the most effective treatment for so many of the illnesses that still continue to perplex Western medicine today.
A woman’s health needs are unique and special. Our clinic works to provide you with support for all your health issues and concerns.
Keep children happy and healthy with Tui na, a no needle technique using a type of massage to stimulate points and meridians. This is especially effective on younger children, along with the use of a quick "in and out" technique that uses gentle hair size pediatric needles.
Traditional Chinese Medicine can be used to stop the antibiotic cycle by boosting a child’s immune system. It is effective in ending chronic, reoccurring colds and ear infections! Children’s acupuncture and herbal formulas can be used to;
Time to relax your body, mind and face with an acupuncture facial. This treatment will increase blood circulation and collagen production to prevent and treat signs of aging. Treat yourself to, or gift this refreshing, relaxing, rejuvenating experience!
Each one and a half hour treatment includes:
The Dancing Crane offers Chinese herbs in traditional bulk teas, tea-pills, tablets and custom made tinctures. The bulk teas are the most effective due to their strength and the fact that they are tailored to the individual patient’s needs. As the patient’s needs change, the formula can be altered.
The pills and tinctures are great for convenience or for folks who object to the taste of the medicinal teas. Julie also has a vast knowledge of Western herbs and nutritional products that may be included in your complete healing prescription. For your safety, the Chinese herbs are sulfur-free and GMP certified. The Western herbs and nutritional supplements are certified organic whenever possible!
Monday - Thursday: By Appointment
Friday - Sunday: Closed
We Bill Insurance